School Infrastructure

Smart Class Rooms

We have spacious, well ventilated and well lit class rooms equipped with interactive Smart Boards. Ergonomically designed furniture and lush green surroundings to facilitate learning process

Biology Lab

Biology labs are equipped with dedicated workstations or lab benches where students and researchers can conduct experiments, prepare samples, and perform various biological procedures.

Chemistry Lab

Chemistry labs are equipped with dedicated workstations where students can perform a variety of chemical experiments. These workstations typically include lab benches, sinks, and storage spaces for equipment and reagents.

Physics Lab

Physics labs are equipped with dedicated workstations or experiment stations where students can perform various physics experiments. These stations may include tabletops, lab benches, and specialized setups for specific experiments.

Math Lab

Math labs are equipped with a number of desktop computers or workstations that provide students with access to mathematical software and tools. These computers are often optimized for mathematical computations and simulations.

Computer Lab

The infrastructure of a computer lab encompasses various components that come together to create a functional and efficient space for computer-related activities


All members of the school community should treat each other with respect and courtesy. This includes students respecting teachers, teachers respecting students, and everyone treating fellow students and staff with kindness.


The library incorporates a huge hall which has extensive range of reference books, newspapers, magazines, periodicals and educational CDs.

Information and Technologfy Lab

This is the era of information and technology. Sacred Heart’s does not lag behind in this field. Our Computer Lab is equipped with latest hardware and software. It also provides opportunity for learning and developing computer skills. Learning by doing forms ethos of science teaching. The school supplements this by providing well equipped Science, Computer and Mathematics labs for practical learning.