Learning @ SHS

“The difference between try and triumph is a little umph”

  • Experiential learning at Sacred Hearts School is at the heart of all learning. It supports creativity, problem solving and a deeper understanding that endures beyond test day. The following 5-STEP teaching method is implemented.

  • The teachers begin a class by clearly stating the learning goals, i.e. clarify the outcome of every lesson so students know beforehand what they will learn.

  • The students perform an activity in groups or pairs to experience concepts first-hand and understand their use and application in real life.

  • This is followed by analysis wherein the students reflect on the experience through probing questions to uncover and understand the concept further.

  • Application of the concept happens when the students practice solving real world problems independently in the workbook to solidify understanding and build skills.

  • Thereafter, feedback is provided on conceptual understanding, applied thinking & English language fluency regularly.