Classwise Curriculum

The school curriculum is broadly divided into Preprimary , Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary sections.  

PrePrimary Curriculum (CLASSES KG ,I and II):

  • Children in these classes learn an approach to learning itself; in other words, they learn how to learn. Three- and four-year-olds are naturally very curious about the world around them and the curriculum has been designed to give them plenty of hands-on opportunities to explore their world. Letters are introduced through air writing, sponge writing and black board writing.

  • Show and Tell Activity based on the letter of the week enhances the confidence of the little ones and leads to better understanding of the letter. Circle Time has been introduced during which there is story telling through puppet theatre and general conversation with the kids.

  • Curriculum in Pre Primary has been designed keeping in mind the Learning objectives of developing Cognitive skills, Emotional skills, Social skills and Motor skills. Children learn to sort, compare, assimilate, observe and infer.

  • Story telling, picture reading, picture-story composition, rhymes, learning of CVC words are some of the activities designed to develop the above mentioned skills.

  • Learning languages and  Number work primarily focus on development of cognitive skills. Drawing and colouring, cutting and craft activities focus on the development of fine motor skills. Activities like PT, Taekwondo predominantly focus on the development of gross motor skills.Curriculum in Class I and II is activity based which enhances the comprehension and thinking skills of the students.

Primary  School Curriculum (Classes III to V)

  • The academic year is divided into two terms. A system of continuous and comprehensive evaluation through assignments and observational activities is followed. In order to provide a rich academic experience, plethora of activities are conducted in order to ensure complete learning of the concepts in each subject. Apart from academics, emphasis is laid on the overall development of the students, which is realized through various activities like Karate, Yoga, Music, Art and Craft, Physical Education etc. These activities develop a positive self image in students by improving their skills and attitudes.

  • The main aim at this level is to provide in depth knowledge of the concepts. An extensive use of technology supplements classroom teaching thereby making it interactive and thus enhancing comprehension.

  • Homework given to students is a stimulating revision exercise generally in the form of worksheets.

  • A lot of stress is laid at this stage on spoken English with emphasis on good pronunciation and diction coupled with excellent reading and writing skills.

Secondary School Curriculum (Classes VI onwards)

  • The main aim at this level is to provide in depth knowledge of the concepts. An extensive use of technology supplements classroom teaching thereby making it interactive and thus enhancing comprehension.

  • Homework given to students is a stimulating revision exercise generally in the form of worksheets.

  • A lot of stress is laid at this stage on spoken English with emphasis on good pronunciation and diction coupled with excellent reading and writing skills.

  • The curriculum at middle school aims to allow students to think intensively and critically.

  • Besides being taught the Languages, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, the students also study Information Technology. Emphasis is laid on Yoga, Music, Dance and Physical Education for a holistic development of the  child. They are also given a choice to opt for Sanskrit  as a Third language.