
  • While the Indian education system concentrates on loading as much information as possible in the minds of the students, it rarely enables the teachers to draw out their inherent potential.

  • Another factor to be kept in mind is that children need to become equipped with 21st century skills, social and emotional skills while developing themselves in areas they have talent in.

  • They need to be proficient in creative and critical thinking, analysis, reasoning, problem solving, synthesis, data handling, applying their learning, and presentation skills.

  • They need the best pedagogic practices, the latest technological tools and liberation from the tyranny of rote learning.

  • At the end of the years of schooling, the confident and responsible person that needs to emerge out of the school system requires careful nurturing.

  • Thus, the system needs to be given opportunities to build values unconsciously in the minds of the child so she becomes an asset to society and becomes a harbinger of progress.

  • To enable progressive and aware parents to provide such learning opportunities to their children, the school was developed.